Future Fin Systems box removal

Have to remove a damaged Futures box and reset a new one in. Anyone have any tips or suggestions on getting that sucker out without destroying board. Any tips on installation? Thanks; Cleanshape

Tape off the area on the bottom of the board around where you’re going to work to keep it undisturbed, then carefully grind away the glass cap and some surround glass exposing the foam adjacent to the fin box feathering back into the surrounding area so so you glass work will blend in with the orginal shape of the board. Put a fin in the box and start wiggling it slightly and very carefully break the fin box loose from the foam. Don’t hurry! You’ll be left with a cavity ready to place the new box in. First sand the exterior of the new box with 80 grit to put some teeth in it so it’ll adhere to the resin better. Then mix q-cell and fiberglass fines with laminating resin until you get a consistancey a little thinner than vaseline. Pour the material in the cavity and brush some of it on to the fin box. When you put the box in the cavity put it in slowly so that you don’t trap any air in the lamination. Wipe away the excess and make sure the box is flush with the board. Cut a couple of pieces of 4 oz cloth to laminate over the fin box and cover the hole in the box with a couple layers of masking tape. Cut a slit in the cloth wher it goes over the hole in the fin box so the air will escape for the area around the fin box. After the you laminate over the box shoot a hot coat and let it all cure well before you sand things out. Seal your work when your done and your board will be good as new. I may have missed a few tricks but most of the important points are here I think. Mahalo, Rich

the Drimmel is a great tool for such a task.