Futures Installation mistake...

Okay…so my head was definitely not on a swivel yesterday. I just routed three boxes and made a mistake on each one. The side boxes are toed in way too much. I’m not sure what happened but my measurements were off…way off. I plan to re-cut them and just fill in the extra space with a mix of hotcoat resin and q-cell. The gap will not be huge and I just want to be sure that the boxes don’t move around. Does anyone see any problems with this? Any tips if you’ve done this before would be appreciated.

The second blunder was on the rear fin. I was so perturbed about my side fins that I routed the rear fin without the “collar” and routed a full 1/2". It didn’t go all the way through to the deck…but the foam there is only about 2 mm’s and very fragile. I was thinking of doing the same thing and filling the extra 1/4" gap with hotcoat resin and q-cell and using a small football patch on the deck when glassing for added strength.

I’m trying to be positive and think that it’s better to make 3 mistakes on one board than 1 mistake on three boards each. Oh well. Any thoughts??

Hi FishGuts, looks like you have already thought about the best way to fix the mistakes. I think your solutions are right on, just be careful and catalyse very slow so that resin doesn’t get too hot, given it will fill a larger volume than usual. The other solution would be to fill the holes with pieces of left over foam, then re-routing correctly. It’s a bit more work and I’m not sure it’s worth it…

i routed through the deck on a back fin on a dinrepair…

now when ever i do a board with Futures I do the back fin first… my brain is more on at the start and i think to myself “why do i always do the back fin first?” this way the screw up is not routering the fronts fins deep enough…

after i am done with all the fins i put the spacer back in the base for storage. this means that the routher is set up for rear fins first on the next board…

one time i drilled all of the fcs plugs through the deck… story for another time.

Just did 5 boards with futures and a couple of them had large bubbles that I didnt catch…repair nightmare.

yah those dam bubbles can put you over the edge. every time i install a set of futures i think “when am i going to use up all these boxes so i can go back to fcs?” seems like the stack of em is not getting any smaller… bad system for anal perfectionists. i went with it because they were sold at fgh and i figured it would be easier then dealing with mail order all the time… ready to move on…