12-0 by 25 1/2 by 36 pounds…guess I will paddle it out one of these days if I can get my wife to help me get it to the water!!
very very nice!
12ft would get me thru my 70’s no sweat, lanching humm???
At 25 1/2 wide, it shudda had a grip hold. No leash plug…It was made for a Fireman whose name is on the board…I wonder what the intended use was! It had an 8 inch tunnel fin that the 2nd owner said was in it when he got the board.
I think I could compete at # 3’s with this monsta!
That thing is awesome!
Great find Proneman! I would use that to take my daughter out tandem with me
first break waikiki
coast into deep water on all but your last wave
the last one to the beach.
Sherpas,sponsor some sherpas
bring em in from the himalayas
teach em to carry your board
to the water before they get their boards off the truck
then teach em to surf way outside…
what every old guy needs
is sherpas,ans a sedan chair.
I have a 9’-0" tri-fin Hamilton built around the same time. It handles almost as easily as a 7’-0". You may be surprised how fast and easy it turns. I heard somewhere that Billy has a patent on the cloth inlay on the rails design, it may just be hearsay.
Mine must be a bit older. It doesn’t have the patent number. I wonder how he got a patent on that. It would seem that it is artistic expression.
The patent was on the ‘’ C Beam ‘’ on the perimeter of the board, formed by the extra layers. IMO, a stupid patent clerk allowed the equivalent of a patent on both freelap and cutlap rails. A common practice in the application of fiberglass cloth, on surfboards, for the past 65 years… The Hawaiian print, on the rails, is cosmetic only. Very little additional structural strength. Though in theory, any additional material adds strength, in practice not so much.
When I worked at Linden, Billy spent some time there building a few boards.
Got to watch him apply his fabric to the rails.
Two man job.
Pretty cool.
Yes, he does have a patent on that.
Saw C. Ruddy doing it at Ukulele.
He said Hamilton couldn’t afford to sue him for patent infrigment.
Too bad.
Arrogant prick.
Here’s the patent: http://www.google.com/patents/US5816876 claim on patent is 60% increase in strength when a brick is dropped on it. I guess if you have $10K to burn (in 1998 dollars) and think you can enforce the patent, why not?
milius incident influenced
patent concern,perhaps
morey said,dont bother
just invent something
diffrent again next week
or somethin the likes.
way back
i heard that morey confronted
bragg about coopting a morey pope
design feature,bragg said :’ it’s a surfboard
for crisake!‘’ an’ left it like that
Bragg blew foam in a sand hole in his mom’s back yard
when dinasaurs roamed ventura…
I pattented my wife.
I watched MTV
a little last night
saw plenty of chicks trying to look
llike my wife,mostly they were gettin’ it wrong
I dont figure i’ll persue litigation
except for beonce,and miley cyrus.
holder of many pattents
mostly on dna of cats and birds.
Anyone on Oahu interested in this Monsta!?
I may take it down to Queens tomorrow and hang a sign on it…
I’m thinkin $1000…maybe more…musta been $1500 or more new I reckon…
12-0 by 25 1/2