Garage shaper airbrush setup

Absolutely.  Blue Dawn and water for an immediate clean up after each use.  Lacquer thinner clean every so often to really clean and remove hardened paint.  It just nice to soak the whole gun once in awhile in lacquer thinner.  Get it super clean.  The paint thinner is not as harsh and removes any lacquer thinner residue and lubes the gun.  Lacquer thinner for metal only.  It can do weird stuff to nylon and plastic parts.   Usually tho if you don’t leave that stuff in too long there is no problem.  I have cleaned plastic and nylon parts many times with lacquer thinner,  but I only soak the part long enough to soften and loosen paint residue.  No long soak.  I have cleaned and packed more Graco, Speeflo and Deviliss guns than I care to think about.

you guys are awesome.