thanks for the shots Wardie …the water colour looks BEAUTIFUL !!

We are blessed to be surfers .


look carefully at the white line of light refraction in the standing waves’ volume*… and the shadow not of just the mat but also of the wake of the surfing craft…the glide,its the glide when fully engaged thats is so intoxicating,hooking up to the curl line and becoming free flight personified …ooo…ambrose…and you dont develop a mineral ring arround the bowl

…* only visible in dead stone cold glass or thereabouts…


the water colour looks BEAUTIFUL !!

I remember surfing Watties on a Mal when it was small and I caught a wave from just outside the point all the way in… the water was so clear that I could see the fin just missing some rocks beneath, funny thing is, when i see that colour waves it reminds me of Wategoes.


PS… some old rippers who are wategoes surfers…


“when i see that colour waves it reminds me of Wategoes”

To me it looks like glassy smooth, emerald green… JELLO!

doesnt that green mean Kodak film?

Fuji is the blue stuff…arround here it means lotsa fresh ater not as much salty

as in the summer… when…there’s no rain

…shaped by Chris Brock…



(with thanks to www.surfresearch.com.au)

Is Chris Brock still around? I surfed with him (and hundreds of others) at Broken years ago. Very smooth style, and he shaped good boards.

I don’t know if it’s true …but I heard he is living in hawaii …

does anybody from there know / surf with him , perhaps ?


george’s mailing adress from his website

George Greenough

P.o. box 611

Byron Bay NSW austrailia 2491

wardview 's post with the blue script ticket to the image in much larger format reveals a great more detail about the amount of air in the mat he’s riding as well as the level of sophistication in his handling on the wave…

note the incisive fin-tip mark in the wave face above his mat track

also take note of the raised head of the companion rider and how this seems disruptive of the clean 'con trail of the george line,the body draging overall identity of this companion rider is truely a mere attempt by comparison…

this “filling the screen” option is a great study tool

spring flowers abound the norte ?

alas the water is colder with the melt influence

if only the Krug teleporter was in working order…


that george is down pretty deep in that mat

       what a cat

If only we could add a hat

to the picture on the mat

where is that dr. Suess

where the heck is he at