Give more " Lip " to FCS?

Has anyone seen the new FCS Fusion system?..I hear that it will now have a lip similar to Futures, Lokbox and Ofish’l and I am wondering how that system will be installed?

Looks like it could get real fun here soon.

I hear besides a lip…the new system will come in two colors one in five degree cant and the other in nine degree can’t. Different colors to tell them apart. Something like that.

More fun in the new world.

Hey Noel–

Where are the pics you saw?



Hey Noel–

Where are the pics you saw?


It’s too soon. I am being a bit of a hypcrite with my last now deleted post. I need to give these guys a chance to reveal their new product before going on about how they handle their sucess. Two different subjects. I am glad the they are experimenting and will give my first thoughts on the system as soon as I have one in my hand.

My impression from hearing first hand is that it will still be a fixed system now with more options, and that they are making an effort to deal with some of the issues with with epoxy.

My response to Greg is simply that his post reminded me that writers should only give opinions about something they have seen and tried first hand and not speculate. I didn’t get any info from him other than him asking me what pics I saw.