Giving credit - is Rusty burning Webber?

What do you guys think about this?

In this Surftch ad Rusty talks about Josh Kerr’s board - The “Rusty double D”, he talks about how Josh was riding a board “he’d had shaped in Australia” and how they’d improved this desgn. This board was actually a board Greg Webber shaped and Greg has incorporated this design in his other shapes. You can see Greg’s explanation here:

This is not like Josh Kerr picked up a custom shape from some unknown shaper that just happened to ba a magic stick. Greg Webber is internationally known - He even has Surftech models, which he gets royalties for. Now Rusty is getting royalties for a design based on a board GW shaped.

Anyone shed some light on how all this works?

no idea how the big picture works… this is not the first time this kind of bottom has been done on high perf shorties. maybe its just needs to be quantified by the status of shapers like Greg and Rusty. Greg has a great way of describing the thought process of arriving at the results of a design too. dont forget tajs favourite firewire is a scan of his best webber too! shit theres all kinds of small time shapers innovating stuff all along the east coast of australia and over the world. where are you going to hear about new innovations? from well publisized shapers of course. (i dont mean to take any praise from greg, he is a brilliant mind)… your sure not likely to see innovations first daylight on swaylocks or the internet! but you will on fridays with beer at little shaping shacks.

Was that a scan of Taj’s favourite Webber or his favourite Al Merrick with Webber stickers?

I agree, credit for innovation is pretty random, I’m not wanting to start up that whole who did what first, thing , I’m just wondering how this all works with Surftech royalties - because royalties add a new dimension to that discussion.