glass on single fin/////////

does anyone know of a good web site which has photos or good graphics to show how to glass on a fin, just for single fins? sorry to for all these posts…thanks

does anyone know of a good web site which has photos or good graphics to > show how to glass on a fin, just for single fins? sorry to for all these > posts…thanks Teddy, You may want to invest in one of the many glassing/shaping videos out there. I am eagerly awaiting the completion of the video that Jim Phillips is making with Damascus productions. Some of the folks that frequent this site have used the JC ‘101’ series as a starting point – ‘Glassing 101’ shows how to glass on fins. There are several books out there that describe the process fairly well. I haven’t come across a website for glassing techniques as of yet. Final note: Check the resources – there is a ton of good stuff there! Magoo

thanks… the jc vids should be at my door today, or mon… i wasn’t sure if they showed how to glass on the fins thanks for the reply