Glassing and Painting Schedule

Im getting ready to glass and paint and just need some reassurance I won’t be screwing this up. I need to glass 3 layers of 6 oz on top (b/c of 1lb foam) and also want to paint opaque white. Im thinking, glass two layers, paint, lay decal on, then glass the final third layer…obviously waiting to kick and paint to dry. Are there any problems with this any one has come across? Thanks Dave

Use white resin tint instead of painting it white.

yeah…like KeepOn said…pigment the resin white

Im really trying to stay away from pigments so would the first idea still work, it doesn’t matter if its a hack job Im just worried about bonding issues. Dave

Davel, there’s no good reason I can think of to avoid pigment. In a 3-layer job the glass will be plenty thick, and you won’t have to use a whole bunch of it.

Anyway, your idea of putting paint between layers of glass is a bad one. The outer coat of glass won’t adhere, or will only weakly adhere, to the paint. Put the paint on the foam, or use rattle can paint when you’re done.

Rattle can painting is something I’ve been thinking that might have a lot of unexplored potential. I have seen two old boards whose dings were filled and finely sanded, then rattle can painted. The opaque finish looked pretty good, and of course you couldn’t see the yellow foam or anything under it.

You have to get the hot coat sanding right, of course, because rattle canning won’t fill scratches. Just like cars, surfboard finishing depends largely on good preparation.

In racing: Proper Preparation Prevents Piss-Poor Performance.

Thanks Honolulu thats what i needed to hear to make sure i don’t screw up. I did some reading on alternate methods for pigment (i want to stay away from ordering off the net again) and found house paint can be used when mixed completly. Are there any other alternative that may yield better results? Also if it possible to lay the logo down after the lam coats and just hot coat over it, without any problems? Thanks Dave

white pigment should be readily available wherever you are…boat supply stores, maybe even Home Depot. anyhow, for what you’re trying to do, pigmenting the resin isn’t the ONLY way…but it is the right way, and the easy way. for your logo, laminate it over the final coat with a small patch of 2 or 4 ounce cloth…otherwise you’ll likely sand into the logo.

Awsome thats exactly the information i needed. Ill take a look around for some pigment but thanks for the help it went a long way. Dave