glassing problem

when masking off on the deck for preparing to glass the bottom, im afraid ill rip off the spray ive done on the deck. also the book im using is old and one of the top layers meets the botom layer rather than overlapping it. is this a very old and unused technique of glassing? cheers. tom

I’ve had the same problem. I tried all kinds of tape - 3M blue, clear Scotch Artists, and White Artist - all with bad resultls. The best I could do was to do a little touch up before after pulling the tape. It ended up looking okay. The best solution I’ve come up with is to “freelap” (no masking), when you’ve got a paint job on the deck. If anyone has a better idea, I’d be thrilled to hear about it. Hope is of some help and thanks.

You can spray a light coat of clear acrylic over your paint job to help solve the problem.

Tape sticks and pulls off clear acrylic too, not as bad though. Free lap is the way to go.

Tom, You really only need to tape off the rails when your doing a cut lap with resin tint or Volan cloth. As Mr. Clean said just spray the colored foam with a little clear, and free lap the glass job. Just make sure you lay the rails down real smooth, any hanging glass strings just flip them back on the good glass, don’t cut or pull them. Once it kicks you can grind, surform, and or razor blade the bumps if needed. -Jay

the book im using hasnt been printed no one will read it and eveeryone will think its stupid…it says on page 57 next to the photo of brad McCaul and mike Purpus in the glossing room putting a thin layer of hot coat #3…thats lam w/alittle surfacing agent… then sand the board before laminating I hate that book the cover shot of reversed negative rincon should have been a clue that the guy was nuts…Yater’s not a goofy foot…ambrose…rolling up my cuffs

Hmmmm, Try coating the area where you are going to put the tape with lam resin. A thin light band around the deck/bottom should do the trick. After it goes off, proceed with taping and lamination. The area where you put the resin might be a tad darker… but better than those dang white blotches. -Carl

howzit MIKIA, I agree, free lapping is the best option for painted blanks. Aloha, Kokua

The method described by Carl is also useful when doing complicated graphics that require tape over paint. Patrick

mkia is right freelap is the proven method! however on complex deck sprays at times we have lammed and freelapped the deck insert first before lamming the bottom! after the bottom is kicked you can sand the lap safely. followed by the lamming the final layer of cloth on the deck. this is one extra step but is the sure and safe way!

If you don’t have any spray on the bottom try a reverse glass… do the deck first. I did one without any problems, best laps I’ve laid.

if you get your timing right heres another option …paint a thin band of lam on the deck right where your lap will end. after it sets it will be real sticky for a while maybe about an hour cut your glass for the bottom as usual after it sets, then with a brush , dust pan and brush style brush ,stretch your glass over the bottom pressing the lap onto the sticky lam them laminate the bottom but leave the last inch or 2 dry say only resin to the apex of the rail .then when the bottom is dry flip your board and glass the deck no sanding trimming or anything you just have to work the resin into that 3rd layer strip around the rail …this technique also works really well on real hard tail edges where the glass wont wrap properly ,you end up stretching the glass real tight over the bottom and rails so you get no dead resin on hard edges… regards BERT…