Glassing Stands

I hate leaning over and breaking my back while cleaning up laps when glassing.I saw the glassing 101 video and the guy had a set of stands that he could raise up to about chin high and not have to bend over.I have a stand that I can raise but its not high enough.After some thought I started wondering why not just build another portable set that are higher…maybe you could just shift the board over to the higher stands and go ahead and finish out the process.Have any of you done this? Thanks. R.Brucker

i just welded me some new stands one stationary set and a set that will raise up to around 6 feet off the floor! i made them from 1/4" and 1" square tubing that slides through each other. only took me about an hour to weld them.

and i put a couple of bricks under my old, crappy wooden shaping stand when it’s time to glass. i’m sure this puts me somewhere between the neanderthal and cro-magnon glassers. what the hey, right?>>> i just welded me some new stands one stationary set and a set that will > raise up to around 6 feet off the floor! i made them from 1/4" and > 1" square tubing that slides through each other. only took me about > an hour to weld them.