Can anyone tell me how much extra size glassing - 6+4 deck, 4 or 6 bottom - adds to a shaped blank? If I want the finished product to be 19" wide and 2.5" thick do I need to shape the blank 18.75" and 2.25"? Thanks for the help. D
Your talking about an addition of 16ths of an inch. Board dimensions are based on the shaped blank. If you think about it they are really just a frame of reference. So if someone states that their board is 6’6" 11"x18.75"x13" you know that this pertains to the blank, not the end glassed product, and you can get a general idea of the shape in your head. You can use dimensions based on whatever criteria you choose, but the common points are as you know 12" from nose, 12" from tail, the widest point, and so on. For what it’s worth, I would shape your blank to 19", glass it, and surf it. Once you shape your rails and glass it, you could get all different dimensions depending on how you measure it (ie. using a taylor tape from apex of rail to the other apex would give you a different measurement than a straight edge layed across the bottom). It is all relative.