gloss without the polish?

Is it feasible to gloss a board without having to sand and polish it? If not, will a 1750 rpm sander be enough for the wetsand and polishing? That is all I have for a sander, and I am looking for ways to gloss a board either using that or somehow not polishing if that is possible. Any ideas are greatly appreciated- connor

I don’t gloss any of my boards but I have used some stuff called dolphin skin. You put it on after you have finished sanding the hotcoat. It goes on kind of like rubbing compound (a thin layer over the surface) and is a light brown. Let it set for about 5 mins, then use a car buffer or simply wipe it off by hand and it leaves a semi gloss finish and seals the board. I guess it has teflon in it and kind of forms a shell. It is pretty cool stuff. carries it and it is not that expensive. It may not be what you are looking for but it is easier than doing a gloss coat with limited weight gain.