
first board i made came up really tacky. After i hot coated i went to sand and it was like sanding bubble gum. Well the board rides good so its not that big of a deal but are there any suggestions on fixing this problem. Like i said it rides good so i would like to fix it but more importantly i don’t want this on my next board. I might need to use a wax compound (stirine or something like that) if this is right then how and when should i use it if this isnt right then what should i do?



Hi Al,

Do you mean that you used the same resin to laminate AND hotcoat? And that the resin didn’t have any wax in it? If so, that’s your problem. When you hotcoat you need to add some wax solution to your laminating resin or use sanding resin (which has the wax solution already added to it).

The wax blocks off the air and allows to resin to go off nice and hard and won’t gum up your paper much.

You could redo a thinned hotcoat (with sanding resin) and then the board should setup non-tacky but if you’ve already waxed the deck, you’ll have to make sure that you get the wax completely off to allow the next resin coat to bond decently.

Kind Regards,


i am guessing that i did use a resin with some wax in it because it was labeled hot coat so it was not the same. but it just came out really tacky

Maybe missed the catylist ratio, or were you working outdoors (moving air can evaporate the styrene too quickly), or possible just bad/old resin?

Lam resin and hot-coat resin already come with its styrene added - *adding extra would not normally be needed. In regards to the hot-coat resin, if it was labeled hot-coat or sanding resin, it would also already have the wax added as well - adding extra would not be necessary.

Do you remember what ratio you used, at what temp, humidity, how old was the resin, etc?



*you would usually only add extra styrene to thin resin - usually for glossing purposes.

did you wait long enough for the hotcoat to fully dry and cure. If you start sanding before its done, it will gum up and turn ugly

yeah i waited like 2 weeks, i guess it was just the wrong catalyst amounts. the next two boards i am working on i will be taking to a local glasser simply because i really need these to be perfect glass jobs i also want some cool airbrushing. after that i am going to be doing all my own glassing. i have been searching the archives and really cant find a clear chart or whatever that shows resin/catalyst/hotcoat amounts. Let me know where i should be looking.

catalyst chart, look here:

10 cc’s for a quart of hotcoat will give you about 20-25minutes before its gelled completely. That what we shoot all our hotcoats at and havnt had any problems.

Hi teamzepher,

What temperature do you shoot your hotcoats in? I prefer more catalyst for the hotcoat. At about 18-20 degrees C (64-68F) I prefer to shoot the hotcoat at 2.5-3% catalyst (12.5-15cc), which seems to give around 15mins to gel.

Kind Regards,


i’d go strait to epoxy, not as toxic, simpler to use, stronger, lighter, better all around… i switched a few months ago and will never go back…

i would never use epoxy. sure, it’s probably a lot more pleasant to lam

being non-toxic and all, but if you wait more than a day to sand, it

must really be a bitch to get through. also (the biggest thing for

me)…NO FLEX!!! epoxy longboards ride WAAAAYYYYYYYYY too stiff for

my taste.

yeah im trying to go pretty old school on my boards so i am going to stay as far away from epoxy as possible

so if im about to do a 9’0 and would rather be safe than sorry right now as far as resin amounts go i would be good with 1 gal of resin 4 oz of cat. and 1 gal of hotcoat does this sound close to anyone


yeah im trying to go pretty old school on my boards so i am going to stay as far away from epoxy as possible

precisely my philosophy

matt, about the same temps for hotcoating, i guess thats why ours just takes a bit longer, plenty of time on my hands im in no rush…and in regards to the maounts of resin you suggested “longboarder”…that will be fine for a 9’0