Its not a problem. I just finished shaping my first EPS board. I used a standard 9" roller with Elmers white glue. I had already cut my 4’x8’ sheet down to a 2’x8’ piece and I used about 1/4 to a 1/3 of a gallon jug of glue. Rolled it on each piece and let them sit about 10 minutes and then stuck the 2 halfs together and piled on the weight for clamping & rocker. I let that sit for 3 days and it cured fine. Had no problems at all cutting thru the glue line on my rough shape. You can see and feel the glue line but its easy to sand with just a touch extra elbow grease. I took pics of each step of the process and will put a link up here in a day or two showing the steps I took.
Or, as Greg Loehr suggests, use a light rolled-on smear of epxoy resin to join the planks, and sandwich in a 6" to 12" wide piece of glass cloth for a “stringer”. Bend during the cure to add in rocker.
Thats a good idea. Didn’t see that in my searching. My brother wants a 6’6" and I really didn’t want to use a wood stringer. Thanks for re-surfacing the info!
Its not a problem. I just finished shaping my first EPS board. I used a standard 9" roller with Elmers white glue. I had already cut my 4’x8’ sheet down to a 2’x8’ piece and I used about 1/4 to a 1/3 of a gallon jug of glue. Rolled it on each piece and let them sit about 10 minutes and then stuck the 2 halfs together and piled on the weight for clamping & rocker. I let that sit for 3 days and it cured fine. Had no problems at all cutting thru the glue line on my rough shape. You can see and feel the glue line but its easy to sand with just a touch extra elbow grease. I took pics of each step of the process and will put a link up here in a day or two showing the steps I took.
Where can I find more info about builiding one of these blanks? I have never built a board before so I figure this cheap blanks would be a good start. I live in berkeley, California, where can I buy the necessary materials? Thanks.
SF boarder if you are going to meet benny so he can show you the ropes on this let me know when so I can be there. That way he can get two tacos and only go through the blank making process once.
Hey guys. When you glue up the sheets to get your rocker do you use the rocker in the middle of the board as a guide or the rocker at the rails?
In running through such a project in my head I keep stumbling on the convergence of bottom lines / rail bottom / and rail rocker lines. (By that I mean the mid point of the finished rail shape which would change if the rail shape changed along the board.
If I can get some free time to try one I was contemplating a thin horizontal epoxy stringer in place of the elmers and only when I saw the recent photos in this thread did I understand where I keep going cross-eyed.
Something just doesn’t seem right about the glue joint not following the rail center / bottom.