Glue Up Home Depot EPS to get a blank Longer than...

Anybody ever glue up the Homedepot EPS to get longer than the 8’ sheets…

I was thinking just to overlap



something like above, use GorrilaGlue…Anybody ever try this? See any pitfalls, Flex/Strength?


You could do that. Home Depot gets Insulfoam in 1lb. The stuff needs extra glass because there is not much there. If you do go this route, use gorilla glue. You can even mix a little paint in it to kinda match the foam color. Don’t go overboard though.

A better bet is to call Insulfoam directly and get a block the length you want and in 2lb. They have a minimum order, but you can find others in your area who would probably be more than happy to split it with you.

angle the joints (if you can)…

like big scarfs and use as little glue as possible…;

Search archive for something like 14 dollar home depot blank by Benny 1. pretty much the resident expert post on this subject. easily findable.

I’m presently working on an 11’6" 1#HD board. I scarfed the ends like this:

Pieces on right show scarf cuts and on left I’m Gorilla Glueing them together.


Assuming compsand I don’t think you’ll need to bother with any of this.

So I’ll assume that’s the wrong assumption :wink: And assume that the foam itself does take some of the load (still not convinced). That’ll mean take construction techniques from elsewhere - use an adhesive (incl bond) stronger than the materials in question (so GG is just fine), maximise the overlaps and the surface of the joins (so angled and scarfed).

Does glueing them together work? Sounds like a great idea. No hot wire, easy transport. How is it in a board? Strong (with a stringer)?