- to much speed 2. to light 3. to adaptable 4. to kooky 5. to much speed 6. to many make-able sections open up 7. to far out front at times 8. to high lines are made ( no speed up there is there?) 9. to easy to stay in the water for hours at a time 10. to much speed
…I think so tooooo…
Hey- you left out too fun
Sometimes I thing Dale uses swaylocks an ad for surfmats. Other times he actually talks about surfboards. Where I come from (south Jersey) we call them “rafts”. Where I live now, (Huntington Beach) I think I would get run over on one of those things. Maybe I will buy one of those surfmats for when i go to the pool. They look fun to float around on. Have you ever thought of a “surf beach ball”? Just a thought.
Sometimes I thing Dale uses swaylocks an ad for surfmats. Other times he > actually talks about surfboards. Where I come from (south Jersey) we call > them “rafts”. Where I live now, (Huntington Beach) I think I > would get run over on one of those things. Maybe I will buy one of those > surfmats for when i go to the pool. They look fun to float around on. Have > you ever thought of a “surf beach ball”? Just a thought. barkingwave- what surf conditions does your mat work in? Do you ride in the whitewater or on the wave face? Without hard edges or fins, can they hold in well enough to turn? What you`ve written some interesting things, but difficult to believe. No offense here- are you a beginning surfer or experienced? Thanks in advance.
Sometimes I thing Dale uses swaylocks an ad for surfmats. Other times he > actually talks about surfboards. Where I come from (south Jersey) we call > them “rafts”. Where I live now, (Huntington Beach) I think I > would get run over on one of those things. Maybe I will buy one of those > surfmats for when i go to the pool. They look fun to float around on. Have > you ever thought of a “surf beach ball”? Just a thought. Hello?? Can`t wait to float out on your new shark biscuit??? Slingblot, ever hear of the blackball system??? Guess what! The “Black ball” sign indicates that hard-board surfing is prohibited. That means you can surf safely with your own species.
Hmm-why does it always come around to this? longboards suck,shortboards suck,bodyboards suck,mats suck, your board sucks, you suck. Ride what you want, be civil in the water, ya know-keep your eyes on your own plate. Maybe you guys are just joking around and I just don’t get it. And -oh yeah-free Winona!!
Maybe you guys are just joking around and I just don’t get it. And -oh > yeah-free Winona!! Winona sucks!
Sometimes I thing Dale uses swaylocks an ad for surfmats. Other times he > actually talks about surfboards. Where I come from (south Jersey) we call > them “rafts”. Where I live now, (Huntington Beach) I think I > would get run over on one of those things. Maybe I will buy one of those > surfmats for when i go to the pool. They look fun to float around on. Have > you ever thought of a “surf beach ball”? Just a thought. That’s OK. Just don’t think to much! … have fun
AHHHHH yes, mats. My first surf vehicle when I moved to Newport Beach in 1961 (diffrent town then!) I was 9. Went on to be a “surfer”. 40 years full circle. If I couldn’t stand up surf anymore I’d be back on my mat. Those were the best days of my life, but for a lot more reasons than riding a mat. Props to Dale , Paul and George. all aloha, tom
barkingwave- what surf conditions does your mat work in? Do you ride in > the whitewater or on the wave face? Without hard edges or fins, can they > hold in well enough to turn? What you`ve written some interesting things, > but difficult to believe. No offense here- are you a beginning surfer or > experienced? Thanks in advance. no offense taken - just got out of the water t-day after having a great sesh up here in the state of Maine ---- porland bouy going off @ 15’ every 12 sec’s – rode ALL BY MYSELF @ one of my hidey holes - very fasssst maT rides - been surfing since the 60’s – longboards - shortboards - paipo’s - kneeboards and bodysurf - the mat is simply for “me” an collection of all my surfing experiences expressed in an inflatable form — not for everyone – many look but do not see — thought hmmmmm, here are some reason’s never to even think of ever trying one of these things out for a ride ;_) good surfing to ALL…
Sometimes I thing Dale uses swaylocks an ad for surfmats. Other times he > actually talks about surfboards. Where I come from (south Jersey) we call > them “rafts”. Where I live now, (Huntington Beach) I think I > would get run over on one of those things. Maybe I will buy one of those > surfmats for when i go to the pool. They look fun to float around on. Have > you ever thought of a “surf beach ball”? Just a thought. South Jersey, That explains it. Too many turds ingested. Huntington beach , that explains it. Too many turds ingested.