GoPro mount removal Solarezed on deck

I purchased a fish locally on Craig’s and the previous owner made a genius move of Solarezing the mount directly to the board. 

Any idea on how to remove?  I was thinking of either using my multi tool with a bi metal blade  and sliding it under the mount then sanding down?  Or a grinder with sanding flaps and just sand away?


I would grind it off, being careful not to build up too much heat. Might have to do it in phases.  When close I would switch over to sand paper and sand it down like you would your hot coat. Should be invisible if done right and you take your time.

I would try a Japanese flush cut saw. The teeth are bent to one side only so you can cut tight to a surface without scratching it.

HarborFreight sells a cheap one that might work.

I would also give the surrounding area a light hotcoat before sanding, this way it gives the surrounding area some protection from sand-throughs  then you will also have more of an area to work with when sanding everything nicely flat and smooth.

That, or just tape off around the surrounding area while doing the initial sanding.

It looks on closer inspection to not be bonded that well at the upper side of picture. I wonder if you inserted something the proper width to go under lips of mount (like a putty knife), and applied an angled upper pressure if it would possible pop off. I wouldn’t use much pressure trying as to not damage board.

Just my 2c, doesn’t look like a good bond.  Take a chisel that is 1/2" or wider on the side where there is seperation and tap lightly with a hammer and it might pop free.  Make sure the bevel on the chisel is down so it doesn’t dig into the resin.  Your other option is to tape off the area and use a saw blade to remove the mount.  You can save the mount & have miinimum work to do on the board if you are careful and go slow.  Take a coping saw blade and put masking tape on the ends so you can hold it without getting cut.  It will bend to the curve you need to keep your knuckles off the deck but still cut out the resin.  A quick sand & polish and you won’t even know it was there in the first place!  By the way, looks like a redwood stringer, Just my 2c…

tile and moulding knife

Looks like it was not sanded before application judging by the delaminating resin on the right side 0of the photo. You might be able to stich a razorblade underneath and pop it off. 

If the guy used solarez, there’s a good chance the resin under the plug, not exposed to light, never fully kicked.   Getting it off might be easier than you think.  You’re going to have a spot under the plug that hasn’t seen the sun and will be a different color, so I’d find a sticker to cover that if you"re worried about cosmetics.

It was actually a simple process and appreciate the advice. I used my multi tool and made a small flush cut underneath the mount. Removed the blade and inserted the scraping blade, low speed, worked around the mount, and it popped off clean. Looks like it was recently installed as there wasn’t much color variation on the foam. 

Now onto removing the posca artwork on the bottom of the board and then fixing the dings.   Thanks!