Goretex vents

Tired of searching the web and reading the archives.Does anyone know of a good supplier for either goretex or flush mount goretex vent plugs similar to firewires?Thanks in advance.

Search for Swaylocks user “PeteC”. He’s the one that makes and sells the inserts for the pre-made Gore-Tex vents. Also try “Gore-Tex” in the search.

check this thread


Thanks,I’ve read all the vent threads,I saw that one but dont really care for it,I’m opting for something more like berts vents or the ones Firewire uses,if I could find sme goretex I will just make my own.

You are going to have a hard time beating the quality of Pete’s set up. His can be mounted flush as well.

Good luck.

Any idea if there is anybody selling just the vents by themselves?

I guess i’m email Pete and see what he can do for me…


There are a couple of sources for the raw valves but the minimum order is the killer. You would still need the plug.

Pete took the leap, placed an order and came up with a nice plug to install in the board. I just bought a few and think he did a great job. The convenience of having it ready to install knowing that the bugs have been worked out makes them worth the cost IMO.

how many compsands have you made jesus?

Steve at Infinity Surfboards has them. Not sure how much he charges because mine was free retro-install into my Infinity Secret Weapon.


Zero…the reason for so many questions.Thanks for the help every one.I pulled the plug on my firewire and have decided to replicate that,my screw will be a little smaller in diameter,they cost me 30 cents each and are stainless,I can drill the center hole on one in about a minute at the metal fabrication shop I have free access to.I just need to score some goretex now.

i ask because it would be easier for you to use one of petes vents for your first few boards

you cant really sell them anyway for a good while

you need to test them and petes are reliable vents with easy install

Thanks paul,it has taken me 5 minutes total to fabricate a vent and a threaded insert,I just need some goretex and they will be finished.Any advice on where to find a small piece of goretex would be appreciated.

Find a place that makes snowboard or skiing gear… they’re likely to have offcuts. I got some goretex thought about it, then just some of Pete’s vents. Never looked back.

weve all done the homework. the vent comes from goretex sold in lots of about 500. they are rated for submersion for x amount time and pressure… goretex produce many different grades.PeteC got a large order on behalf of swaylokians so id go in that direction

I’m really keen on just getting some vents on their own…

I’ve got a design for a housing that I want to use in my compsands, I machine them myself.

I won’t be competing with Pete, these are purely for the boards I make.

So a source for less than 50 minimum order would be nice.

At AU$13 each, it’s a bit of an outlay to get 50!