I just lamed a board in epoxy and I’ve got a few gray stains where I cut the cloth. The only thing I can think may have caused it, is my cheap harbor frieght scissors. Maybe cheap stainless steel?
Has anybody seen this issue before?
When I cut the glass, it’s wet with epoxy, because I lam on a table, roll the cloth up, then unroll on the board and trim. I know it’s not the way most people lam, but its the way I’m proficent.
Thanks. I’d sure hate to be forced to buy expensive scissors, becuase I need to throw them out after cutting wet cloth.
Trying wiping down the scissors before cutting. Maybe wipe down scissors with add F as a solvent? Try less agressive solvents and progress from there. Wear gloves!
just get a couple pairs of nice scissors, use one for cutting dry cloth and use the other one for cutting wet cloth, then get a small bucket and fill it with acetone and when your done cutting wet cloth put the scissors in bucket of acetone
IMHO the only reason i would cut wet cloth is if i was having cloth saturation problems in which case you lay down some resin on the black first then lay cloth and more resin then cut the laps
hope this helps and some pics will always help identify the problems
10 scissors for $7.99 when on sale. For a guy building just for my wife and I, not expensive at all.
I received a private message tipping me off that epoxy harder can be agressive to some materials, so maybe cheap scissors are the problem. I’ll try Wiss scissors next time and clean them when I’m done.