Great white shark released

If you take a dip in Monterey Bay, be very very careful…

Oh thats my buddy, comes to my house, watches the game, plays a mean game texas poker. Took all my cash and ate all the goldfish crackers last time he came over. Damn Bugga

Oh I heard about this on NPR. They said they always intended to release it back to the wild, however, it sounds like it’s behavior acelerated the process up a bit,

What scares me is that they released it BECAUSE IT WAS SHOWING HUNTING BEHAVIOUR!!!

It ate 2 other sharks in the pool, oh dear better release it eh…

That’s funny. I live in Monterey Co. and surf the bay. I hear about the release from Hicksey in Australia. I love this web site.

The shark bit and killed a couple of soup fin sharks. The reporter ask the aquarium people,“so, what do you think went wrong?” What? It’s a friggin whitey. That’s what they do. Things were going right. They should of upped the price of tickets and marketed the thing properly. Come watch great white feeding on tuna,turtles, and other sharks. have that Jaws music playing. Mike


That’s funny. I live in Monterey Co. and surf the bay. I hear about the release from Hicksey in Australia. I love this web site.

The shark bit and killed a couple of soup fin sharks. The reporter ask the aquarium people,“so, what do you think went wrong?” What? It’s a friggin whitey. That’s what they do. Things were going right. They should of upped the price of tickets and marketed the thing properly. Come watch great white feeding on tuna,turtles, and other sharks. have that Jaws music playing. Mike

We get CNN here too…

I’m waiting till they release Hicksey onto Monterey … THAT will make the front page …

hicksy plays monterey

chippy plays berkeley

skeletor plays Mr Magoo


Man, I was there about 5 months ago, I paid that enormous Aqaurium fee, and all i saw was the thing swimming around and looking rather bored.


I want a refund.


Well, you could always paddle out on the electromagnetic battery operated board from the other thread, and get a closer look. Or not. Wonder if it will migrate or stick around.

That fish is an ity bity one. 160 pounds. She was bitchen to watch( we have the family membership deal). I would have enjoyed a little more sharky behavior,too. A friend watched a three foot high dorsal fin following a couple of Grey Whales last week. I wonder what it weighed. Feeding on whales.

If they release Hicksey into the Bay let me know. I’ll show him around. Mike

going scuba diving / surfing there tomorrow.

should have moved it to a bigger tank with all those starving seals that wash up on CA beaches. and have whitey in his natural enviorment. thw have ythe jaws music playing.

The tank is a million gallons. They don’t have a bigger tank, except the big ol bay out front. Mike

this one was probably weened a bit too early, but learned quickly-i love survival of the fittest!


If they release Hicksey into the Bay let me know. I’ll show him around. Mike

With the tinfoil hat on his head , and the ‘Moonrocket’s’ wings to guide / protect him , would ANY shark REALLY think of coming within a hemisphere of our Hickster ?

I wonder …

You know the people who released it don’t surf… What do they care about putting this thing back. Also the shark ate soup shark, maybe a good dish under the sea like claim chowder.