Good info, that helps to figure out what may have happened with “Green Foam.” I didn’t know if they were around still or not, so helpful there, too.
Uncle Grumpy: I think most backyard (or pro shapers) that use EPS already know what to do with cut-off pieces, but what to do with dust and PU cut-offs and dust seems to be mostly unknown or still in the “nothing to be done” category.
MikeDaniel: sincere questions: (1) do you know if any one who you’re using that take EPS dust has a place in the Santa Cruz area where they can accept donations (if you can just give the name I’ll look into it myself)? and (2) do you have to keep dust that has stringer dust/ribbons in it separate from dust that only has foam?
Thanks guys – and thanks to the admin who moved this thread from the “Announcements” area.
So the (recent) request is clear: still hoping to find a way to recycle EPS dust and PU cutaways and dust. As far as I know, Spillinex isn’t an option, locally, and it’s not clear that it’s a much better solution than just dumping.
Will add this: I see ads for “Green Foam” available for purchase from US Blanks and a distributor of 'em, but no info as yet on where to bring the dust/cutaways so that “Green Foam” can be produced?