I have been noticing lately, that the boards that I do out of green blanks are coming out lighter than those out of blue or even red (unless I do a disposable type-ultra light glass job). I have overheard some people (at clark) saying that it is because a green will draw in less resin than a board with less density. It makes sense, I think, but I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this. If it is true that the greens absorb less resin, then does that mean that they are more prone to delam?
I have heard of this. There are several factors that are self explanitory and I’ll let you do the thinking. The lighter foams can be more porous, so you seal them before laminating and you still get the mechanical bond and the very top surface. How about this one…light foam in the center and dense in the deck and bottom…but done in a two step molding process. Or styrafoam center and polyester outter(for polyester resin instead of epoxy. Comments?
i know that the lighter weight foams: blue, red, etc are less dense. to accomplish this the pores in the foam must be bigger. larger pores absorb more resin