Greenough 4a

Is anyone using the True Ames Greenough 4a? What kind of board, and what results?

i use a 9.75 in a 7’8" v-bottom.A bunch of us use the 9.75 and 10" in longboards.they are very versatile, fast and maintain drive and speed thru turns.

I have good luck with the 9’'and 9.75 in my Yaterspoon .

Kirk what length Spoon do you use those fins on. I’m interested because I am looking for a different fin for my 10’-0" Yater Spoon. Thanks

TMC I have a 9’8’‘and a 9’4’'and the 9.75 or if its smaller point surf I like the 9.5 the one thing is if you get right on the nose the ass end can slide out on hollower waves, but turning and cutbacks are so much better its worth it. If you like the best of both try Aims GG. paddle fin.