Greenough velo on display in Santa Barbara

The Beach House surf shop in Santa Barbara has a Greenough Velo spoon with the perimeter rails and flexy all glass bottom. It’s locked by the fin so you can’t lift it but you can push/pull/measure/examine all you want. Pretty cool. Actually it’s for sale…$6000.

Saw that as well. It’s really amazing to see how far out of the box Greenough has taken his designs. And this board was made a loooonnnnnggggg time ago. Anyone in the Ventura/Santa Barbara areas should check it out. Flex, torsion, spring, it’s all there.

??? That said the thought just popped in my head (or pooped in my head?)…SrPato did you not recently post a new board photo of a Wilderness with a blueish deck? By chance was that board the one on display in the Greenough exhibition at the Maritime Museum?

this one? it’s been there a long time now…

Hi Nels,

I did buy a Wilderness board last week but I don’t have any idea if it was in the exhibit. I bought it off the rack at The Beach House so I doubt it. BTW, I’m really excited with how well that board performs.

thanks for the photo , ‘Liguid’ !!

Was the board brown because it’s over 30 years [?35 years?] old ?

or did George tint / pigment it ?

…and , did it say how much it weighed ? [one that I lifted here , some 22 years ago now , must have weighed easily 20lbs , I reckon …and that was only around 5’ tall , from memory . Still , for $80aus , I probably still should have bought it ! It had red rails , like his one in ‘crystal voyager’ , and ‘…innermost limits…’ , but was , obviously not a George built one …or was it …
