Greetings American Surf Men!

Greetings American Surf Men! My name is Huan Yue. I am surfboard shaper #13 in Factory #27A. I shape over 100,000 surfboards for cell master Quan Jing. I understand many Americans use my surfboard shape for riding ocean waves. Please tell me, what does ocean look like? Huan Yue never see ocean. Huan Yue will be released from Factory #27 in year 2040. Huan Yue learn lesson and will not speak ill of Chairman Mao again. Please respond and tell Huan Yue if wide point is too far forward on “fish” board. Much respect to you and your family, Huan Yue

Hi Huan Yue, Ni hao ma ?This is Crabie from Hong Kong. Where’s Quan Jing? Must be in somewhere China.

Huan: Sorry to hear about your plight but there is hope. Soon you will see the number of orders from master Jing dwindle. These products are falling out of favor in many parts of the surfing world. Send me your mailing address, I have a stack of “Progressive Farmer” magazines to send you. Perhaps these will give you something to look forward to as your release nears. About those fish, try pulling the tails in and put the wide point behind center just like the M-10, they’ll never know the diffence. “The revolution will not be televised…” TS>>> Greetings American Surf Men! My name is Huan Yue. I am surfboard shaper > #13 in Factory #27A. I shape over 100,000 surfboards for cell master Quan > Jing. I understand many Americans use my surfboard shape for riding ocean > waves. Please tell me, what does ocean look like? Huan Yue never see > ocean. Huan Yue will be released from Factory #27 in year 2040. Huan Yue > learn lesson and will not speak ill of Chairman Mao again. Please respond > and tell Huan Yue if wide point is too far forward on “fish” > board. Much respect to you and your family,>>> Huan Yue