Guess Larry needed the money...

Another classic brand ends up at Costco…

wow…$500 including traction pad, leash, and shipping to your door! that almost makes its existence worthwhile.

EDIT: you can do even better! check THESE out!!!

A lot guys in the industry got their start working at G&S. There’s a lot of history there. Sad to see it end up this way. i think in the current climate Larry chose the wrong option with the licensing of the hard boards.

Even though mass market retail is probably not the best place to market speciality items, Costco is know for selling top quality products. For those of you that are not in California, Costco is knon for an almost cult following…and you can buy anything from 47 in LCD TV from $1,200…thats with 3 hdmi inputs, to a 40K diamond ring, to a set of 33" BFG all terain radials for your 4x4. So like I said it’s probably not the best place, but it’s a hell of a lot better than Walmart, Target, Sams Club or Piggly Wiggly.

And being from San Diego,…G&S was always a kook brand in the circles I ran with. Maybe it was just me an my buddies, but we were way more into Sunset, Caster, etc.

G&S has very strong roots. Look at the shaping crew who came from G&S. I was even on their team in the 70’s. It’s to bad Larry has sold out especially to COSTCO. Surfboards should be sold in surf shops enough said!

And being from San Diego,.......G&S was always a kook brand in the circles I ran with. Maybe it was just me an my buddies, but we were way more into Sunset, Caster, etc.

I can’t argue with you on that. It was the biggest manufacturer in SD during their heyday. It was know for the amount of volume they did. Everybody has to start somewhere and many of the guys who worked there went on to start their own surfboard businesses. Many who are now known as some of SD’s best craftsmen.

It kinda reminds me of what happened to the once heralded brand, “Island Classics” here in Hawaii. Once the exclusive rides of Mike and Derek Ho and the late Ronnie Burns, shaper/owner Eric Arakawa sold the name to HIC who kept it local for a while then ended up making it their entry level brand, mostly long and funboard shapes from overseas. I really can’t condemn G&S though. Lots of others have gone down that road. He’s a business man and to him it seems like good business.

“Piggly Wiggly” Lol piggly wiggly rules!