Gun so far ...

Well he

re’s what I have accomplished so far … outline cut and trued up good, deck thickness plained down in the nose and tail to where I want it … bottom shaping finished (basically flat with a moderate amount of belly in the nose) and the deck crown shaped in (whattalotagrindin’ …)

Here’s what it looks like so far:

Thanks Bill Thrailkill for help with the design … this should be one fun gun …


Nice planshape!

Hey, is it true that cat’s pawprints will ruin the finish on a De Lorean?

Looks like it’s going to be a nice board. How about posting some more pics when you’ve done the rails?

singlefin, i presume?

looks good - hard to tell from the picture but the nose appears to still be 1" thick? That much foam in the nose isn’t really helping anything, although it will make the board harder to duckdive in big waves - If it were me I’d thin it down. Just a thought…

You’re probably right … maybe I better mow some more off of the nose and prolly the tail too … if so I’ll take it off the deck since the bottom is as I want it already.

Won’t take much effort now to do it since the rails haven’t been done yet.

The fin setup will be Mr. Thrailkill’s ‘double single fin’ setup … two asymmetrically foiled fins, 2 inches apart on center. A precarious looking setup for sure but he swears by it for this shape and I know Bill wouldn’t send me out into macking waves with a board I can’t trust :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you have surf racks for that sweet ride? (BTW, nice shape, nose is a lil thick)

BT’s Board design works well !

I had the pleasure of owning one.

It’s now in the hands of a friend of mine.

He’s won contests on it. Herb

Some people would be afraid of a guy who drives a delorean and surfs in frigid lake water.

I myself being one of them, jk, be sure to let us know how you like that fin setup.


Great start EW,

I thought you left the nose like that to cut through the ice and bergs, 10 x 6oz should do it…

Hey, Endless. I have enclosed the following link in case you get the urge to wake surf an ore freighter during the odd flat spell :->>>



Some people would be afraid of a guy who drives a delorean and surfs in frigid lake water.

I myself being one of them, jk, be sure to let us know how you like that fin setup.


The cocaine he’s probably still finding inside the door panels is probably enough to get him through several more winters :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

damn, you don’t see those too often. The last one i saw was painted bright orange. Why the hell would you paint a de lorean?

You might consider thinning the nose from the bottom. The added rocker in the nose will help with the killer steep drops that guns were designed for. Just my 2 cents worth.

You might consider thinning the nose from the bottom. The added rocker in the nose will help with the killer steep drops that guns were designed for. Just my 2 cents worth.


Is the Flux Capacitor in that Delorean still working?