Hand Shapers Unite!!!!

ok’’ i post this complaint whith being tired of consistent harping from certain persons pushing their own barrows’’

statements like’’

pu/ pe potato chip

shape is dead

shapper not important i could go on.

hand shaping a surfboard of any style or ‘’ era’’ and geting it right takes considerable skill’’ ithought this forum was

for persons whith those skills who whish to can pass some on

p/u shappers potential p/u shapers stand up and be counted

Don’t be distracted by criticism. Remember–the only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you… 2B1

Please excuse my ignorance, but what is a hand shapper? Sounds like something lonely people do in the dark or the shower to me.

I’m not lonely!

hand shapping is good fun you can do yourself or with fiends

duh ‘’ i was talking of skills not ‘’ dills

some of my skills

and another

when you figire out what that is let me know

it is called skill’’

Looks like a homemade drywal sander lying on your bedsheets after a significant hand-shapping session… LOL!

wOOt!! Hand shapp yourself silly!

1/2 little boat that doesn’t float.

thats right chico were i come from it is called a half hull model built to scale and it takes some skill to build a ships wheel my origianal post sugested

to help teach these skills to persons wanting to improve there shaping but judging by the stupidity going on here

any one serious pm me or keep your dumb ass remarks to yourself

Who’s shapper is that?

It’s not a shapper, its’ a chopper.

Okey, who’s chopper is it.


Who’s Zed?

Zed is dead baby, Zed is dead!

Don’t worrie mate. To me the picture shows a really nicely finished little hull.


thats right chico were i come from it is called a half hull model built to scale and it takes some skill to build a ships wheel my origianal post sugested

to help teach these skills to persons wanting to improve there shaping but judging by the stupidity going on here

any one serious pm me or keep your dumb ass remarks to yourself

Forgive my cluelessness, but is this a thread about hand shaped surf boards?

Is is something you use in a dark shower all alone? Mike

yes it was about hand shaping but unfortunatly i got the spelling wrongSHAPERS UNITE and along comes the dills when what iwas wanting to

discuss WAS SKILLSwhich in turn would in turn help a person to hand shape a surf board whith improved results’’

the half model and the ships wheel play a big part’’ LOFTING A PLAN SHAPE and geting it FAIR and their is much more

ps i am not trying to sell my boards or anything else the boards in pics are for kids who cant aford to buy a board

ihave been helping kids get in the water for 45 years i got a couple riding composite prety well to’’ he he’’ so i must be up to date


on the island

is that the sound of one hand shapping…oops i mean clapping.

read my last post if you have anything constructive to say post it