Hansen Mini 50/50

That all depends on which website you use as a reference. Stokednboard is probably the most reliable source, but even they get things wrong. Consider the volume of information they compiled, and the fact that many labels are extinct, along with the owners. Much of what Anderson has on the site is accurate, but there are gaps and errors. I have spotted a number of them.
Never trust a blog, unless it’s from a guy who actually made the boards in question. One reference some people use that is really bad is the Schiffer collectors book. That guy gets a lot of stuff wrong. Doesn’t even know what a t-band is. Worse yet, never trust youtube videos. Anyone can make a vid and claim to be an expert. Like the girl who did a ding repair instructional and said the fiberglass “melts” when you put resin on it.

“Just because it’s on the net, that does not mean it’s true” Abe Lincoln