Happy Thanksgiving...

To one and all…

I’m thankful for so much…

Family and friends…Health and prosperity…

I’m also thankful for this on-line community we call Swaylock’s…

happy thanksgiving to you as well Paul

I give thanks today

for all

friend or foe

but for the fact that at this stage in my life

no matter how bad life can get

I still have the ability

to paddle out and catch a wave

and put the rest of the world back into perspective again

I am blessed to still understand the importance of that feeling…

happy thanksgiving all!

and thanks Mike for your vision many moons ago…


Happy Thanksgiving to all, and to all a good night.

No, wait, that’s the next holiday…

For real, thanks for the campfire to sit around, guys.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Happy thanksgiving Looks Like there will be some good waves for florida this weekend.


To one and all…

I’m thankful for so much…

Family and friends…Health and prosperity…

I’m also thankful for this on-line community we call Swaylock’s…

I agree with you Paul, plus I am Thankful my children are strong and happy(-: I am thankful for new friends everyday that share their ideas from Sways and say thanks and appreicate the amazing journey I have been blessed with from a teenager to now with a summer job that never ended. Also give Thanks to Mother Nature for the Joy of experiencing the energy and excitement of the ocean and it’s beauty that started me on my journey.

Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving. MAHALO, Larry


To one and all…

I’m thankful for so much…

Family and friends…Health and prosperity…

I’m also thankful for this on-line community we call Swaylock’s…

I agree with you Paul, plus I am Thankful my children are strong and happy(-: I am thankful for new friends everyday that share their ideas from Sways and say thanks and appreicate the amazing journey I have been blessed with from a teenager to now with a summer job that never ended. Also give Thanks to Mother Nature for the Joy of experiencing the energy and excitement of the ocean and it’s beauty that started me on my journey.

Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving. MAHALO, Larry

Happy thanksgiving to everyone but Larry …ha ha…sorry Larry Torrett’s kicking in again. Seriously…happy thanksgiving to everyone and us that surf truly are the only ones that know the feeling that can’t be explained.

And from the far east coast----Happy Turkey Day! we all have much to be thankful for. my kids are healthy my wife is happy , my nursing school is going well AND i got a surf this morning when she told me to get out of the kitchen! so i did :wink:

ho-ho-ho and gobbble gobble to all !!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Stay safe and enjoy the day.

Man this holiday should be worldwide.

Happy Thanksgiving, people.

“Man this holiday should be worldwide.”

…except in Turkey, maybe…

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

May I be able to give as much as I have had the privilege to receive.


Happy Thankgiving to everyone!

I would like to share something that I experianced this week

I was working at a geothermal plant (under constrction)

the company assigned to build the project is from Isreal

they wouldnt give the contractor’s Thanksgiving day off

they used the excuss that its not an obsreved Isreal holiday

I was fummed when I heard this

I told them to go pound sand and not to expect me back untill next week

I feel sorry for them workers who’s boss’s who wouldnt stand up to those pricks

Ive worked with that same company on previous occasions

and been greeted with insults and false accusations

maybe some of you guys from Isreal Know of this company

Its called Ormat

Happy Thanksgiving to those guys too (for what its worth)

Happy Thanksgiving to all !!! Via con Dios !

Happy Thanksgiving!

Lets have an eating contest!

Happy Thanksgiving Paul and everyone here. May the holidays be filled with love and happiness for all of you and your families. I know I’m thankfull for mine. And I’m thankfull for a nice (dry) day here in Seattle. :slight_smile:

Happy Holidays everyone!


Yup! Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I’m so thankful my family is healthy and I am one of the lucky human beings able to enjoy such a beautiful activity like surfing. Thank you all my Sways friends and posters for all the help, fun, and entertainment. Mike

Happy Thanksgiving, All… i’m so full of turkey, i’m gonna ripppp!

