has anyone ridden the new santacruz g-deck?

And if so how does it ride and how strong is it?

i saw that board and just fell in love with the board and concept but not the price tag and the machine shaping part but if it does all that they claim then I just found my perfect board for my style.

But if anyone has the asp specs then please post them, i might just feel the urge to make one for me self but with less rocker


i searched yahoo and found some info here…


good luck!


seriously though, i just went to the SantaCruz website.

they sound really interesting. the mid-deck profile looks

a-lot like some of the boards that Carve Nalu is building.

i’m interested to learn more also.

Wow, Sounds great!


Next year it is sold from Santa Cruz the prototype of Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe ‘G-DECK’ of completely new concept.

Buoyancy raises with the deck, in order to have floated truly, keeps running on the water.

It is the pleasant board where it faces to the air and the trick highest!

Only the Santa Cruz rider it is riding yet!?

→ You inquire concerning this commodity → you speak with the bulletin board User information User IDentification All commodity which santacruz ⇒santacruz has published Shop nameSanta CruzThe person in charge nameKobayashi Hiro happinessStore addressChiba prefecture Chiba Itimi beach Ku Makuhari west 2-1-9 Ahead communicating (Email/telephone number) /043-350-0305


i didn’t know you spoke Japanese Benny!