Has anyone tried this squeegee?

Spotted it on surfsource.net http://surfsource.net/…inandaccessories.htm. I was thinking of trying it with epoxy but it looks too flexy to spread well. Not to mention it says polyester/epoxy. Both resins require a different approach and different squeegees in my (limited) experience. Where’s SpammSpamm808 or Jack Reeves when you need them.

yes…but not that one. i always shape mine like that one…only better :wink:


yes…but not that one. i always shape mine like that one…only better :wink:

Hah. I’ve pretty much quit doing colors, so I’m really happy with a big box of bondo spreaders now. No fretting over maintaining a custom squeegee anymore, plus you need something stiff and edgy to move ResinX around well, I’ve found, and I like the stuff a lot.

Never tried ResinX but the Bondos work well for me when doing epoxy. Better than a regular Thalco anyway. Maybe they work well with poly but it says it’s for both which sounds a bit dubious to me.

yeah for resin x and epoxy(if i worked with it) i would def use the bondo type squeege.