Have a good online source of fabric inlays?

I’m looking for a good source of 100% cotton print fabric for surfboard inlays. Anyone know of any that would feature bamboo and/or Tiki god patterns? I’ve tried Islandcat.com but am looking for another source. Thanks, Grant.

I’m looking for a good source of 100% cotton print fabric for surfboard > inlays. Anyone know of any that would feature bamboo and/or Tiki god > patterns? I’ve tried Islandcat.com but am looking for another source. > Thanks, Grant. Go to any of the fabric stores, 100% cotton isn’t neccesary, a polyester/cotton is fine. Hancock farics is a chain store. Just don’t get a fabric that is too heavy as it holds more resin that fiberglass. I also delette one layer of glass for the fabric, it has its own strength. I found and all polyester that looked like a Jackson Pollack on acid, did an acid splash on the foam first, dropped the fabirc on top of that. A year later I saw a movie with Rodney Danger Field in it as a detective and he was wearing a shirt of the same pattern!

Go to any of the fabric stores, 100% cotton isn’t neccesary, a > polyester/cotton is fine. Have you ever use 100% Rayon. I have a shirt with a killer patter that I would like to cut the back out of to make an inlay out of?

Try surfsource in jacksnville Fl, the website has 30-40 fabrics to choose from for inlays. Kinda pricey though, try out the fabric store first…be sure to do a test patch as some fabrics bleed bigtime! good luck ToddO