Have I been doing it wrong?

Saw this one on E-Bay…

Now that is funny, no wait it is the new thing for nose rides,supposed to create drag and keep ya perched…LMAO…peace and waves…

Actually, looks like it was designed for trollin along, attracting big fish.

well, once the fins are turned around, sharp side forward, it’ll be fine…

you can tell he’s a kook, there’s no WAX on that board!

you see that often on old boards, the stick on leash attachment on the bottom (can’t remember the name, still made and sold), I’ve got a bing foil I need to pop that off of, why not put it on the top???

the only thing I can think is that the person who did it saw a board with the leash attached to a drilled out fin and thought leashes always attach to the bottom

Makes me wonder where this guy from Arkansas ever found a leash plug? Did a nice job a puttin’ 'er in there though. McDing

Maybe he putted it in there digitally???

Cabeto--------- That’s good, cracked me up! McDing