Me and some of the lads are currently in the middle of the Atlantic heading to Panama. After coming through the canal we are heading up to San Diego where we will be spending the winter and looking for some surf. Does anybody know the temperature in December/Jan.
Was also going to head up the coast and check out the Channel island shop and get me one of those twin keel fish.
If you wish to make an extensive study (e.g. short-term, long-term, and seasonal variations; extremes, etc.) then you might want to check out the CDIP website ( ). CDIP operates a series of moorings distributed along the California coast.
Records from some of these stations go back as far as 1975; data is collected at hourly intervals. Some moorings are more or less permanent, others are intermittently occupied. Air and (surface) water temperatures are among the data collected, and this data is available online for all the stations and times occupied from 1975 to the present.
A discussion on how to interpret the temperature file data organization can be found at:
However, you will need to access other pages at the web site to find the station locations, station identifiers, etc. I haven’t gone through the sequence to do this, so I can’t give you specific directions, but starting at the home page (above) would seem to be a logical starting point.
if you’re hitting SD get a twinny there- it’s the home of the fish. There’s such an array of good shapers you’ll be set. You’ll find surf too, the North-pac seems t be stretching and waking up. Hooray!
December water, cold 57-63, surf, good with many days of chilly offshore am’s ,sometimes a heat wave will keep things calm or offshore for the whole day with warmth, Dec is a good month. Jan. can be good but is usually wintry, water temp about same cold but not such good day time temps as Dec, still can have cold offshore in the AM’s but much less likely to have warm calm or offshore for the whole day, that’s a good Jan. Jan and Feb are the wintry rain out months with mal directions of onshore and cold. Think about being back in mainland Mex for Jan Feb March April, spring and summer surf not too good in San Diego either.