Hello...and any info on Cali shaper

Hi guys…been coming here for quite some time but never signed up and posted. Great site here with a wealth of info… I have been a shortboarder for the last 29 years and have recently decided to add a longboard to my collection. I have found a 10’ Trevor Giles model but can’t seem to find any info on him or his boards using the search here or on google. Has anyone heard of him? All I know is he is supposedly from California. Any help greatly appreciated…I have pics of the board if they would help.


Trevor Giles is in Central California. He shapes all kinds of boards. His logo is a bear claw. His guns are popular at a few of the big wave spots around here. I’ve seen him and other guys riding his boards on some very impressive waves and the boards worked. Do you like the board? That’s what really matters. PM photos and other questions if you like.

Thanks! I was hoping to hear some good news like that. Yep, the bearclaw is on the deck. All I have seen is photos so far, but it looks sweet. Clear board with a double stringer in really good condition. Just hoping I can handle the length.

Here’s some pics:

Cali? :frowning: where is Cali? colifounya?.. you from Ohio? cool board though…

:wink: . Sorry, just too lazy to type it out. The “right” coast actually.

The double stringer bridging the fin box is a plus. Overall it looks like a nice functional cruiser shape. If the price is reasonable, I’d give it a thumbs up.