Help Speedneedle win a R&D grant!

Yes definitely - I have a bad beard already…


My own new ride…rubbed it all day, now I just need some swell.

Yes definitely - I have a bad beard already…


My own new ride…rubbed it all day, now I just need some swell.

Well, the shoemaker has a runaway lead in the votes…alas…

I’ve been back through the terms and conditions of entry to find that the public vote is just 15% in the minds of the judges, so I’m not despairing yet. 

Fresh from the shaping room - 


image by JD_Shape, on Flickr

image by JD_Shape, on Flickr

image by JD_Shape, on Flickr


If you haven’t already voted, it’s still open -



voted for you speedy

my vote was number 787 which is approriate as that is the model aircraft that i work with!

best of luck!

Hey JD i just got a mate to vote. Bloody shoes!, seriously!?. Must be a lot more shoe fetish freaks then I thought

Just voted for the (cough cough) first time Josh. Here’s hoping…

my vote  was something like "570"? from memory  , a few days ago , there are PLENTY of 'facebookers' who surf , evidently


[or at least , who know quality craftsmanship , when they see it ...


with 18000 plus people here at sways , i am guessing maybe ? 30 ? have voted ....please , prove me wrong , guys ! 


  let's get josh's votes up into the THOUSANDS !  [one vote from ? 1 in 3 of all of you , will do it ! ] after all , he has given you free QUALITY boards photos and internet entertainment for YEARS , voting for him is the LEAST you can do !


  let's get josh  some r and d money , so he can captivate people's imaginations


...after all , he is putting in a LOT of time , effort , and expense , showing what is REALLY possible to a jaded and generally close-minded 'surfboard industry '  !   [ I hope all his work pays off in the end !]


  the 'site' ?


 well..... it only let me vote once [and the 'captcha ' thingy got WAAAY more unreadable EVERY time I returned ?!]


  you will win josh ....


  if not  , the judges are , as beery said , " foot fetishi[s]ts ! "  ha  or have their heads wedged between their bum cheeks nearly as firmly as some here do


  cheers mate



I can’t vote!?!?!

Really, I can’t believe the shoe guy is leading either.  Hell, if Josh wasn’t in the running, I’d vote for the food cart chick or the boat builder before I’d vote for the fancy shoes.  They aren’t even working shoes.  

Surely everybody here owes a daily voting-routine for years of sparkling entertainment.

Hit the button!

Thanks again for your support gentlemen. 

The online voting closes on March 1st…then an unspecified time after that til’ the winner is announced.


Last days to vote -


Custom composite parabolic rail surfboard by JD - daytona_ten_s by JD_Shape, on Flickr



Thanks again for your support gentlemen. 

The online voting closes on March 1st…then an unspecified time after that til’ the winner is announced.


Last days to vote -


Custom composite parabolic rail surfboard by JD - daytona_ten_s by JD_Shape, on Flickr



Voted a few times, hope ya get it! 976 just now!