help with 6ft 4 rocker curve

hi guys i know that rocker curves and apexs etc have been cover in detail over and over again here but i am still alittle confused.

Let me know if i am wrong but I understand from reading threads here that with rockers the curve is more important than the numbers at the ends and that the water wants to enter easy and flow out without drag. 

I feel that the last two boards i shaped the rockers work alot better than the first few. Thanks to adice from guys here.

I am starting a 6'4 and its a copy of bear wombat.

 I am setting it up as a small wave board. I shaped a small wave retro fish in feb this year and it did not meet my expectaions. I did not get the rocker right and it seems to surf way better i bigger surf and was hard to catch small mushy waves on it. long story short it has to much tail lift and nose lift.

so guys what i am after is some thoughts on what nose and tail lift you guys would recommend for this board.

i was thinking real low like 3/4 inch tail lift and 2 inch nose lift. But that sounds real flat and not sure if it will work

here pic of the outline  

keen as to here your thoughts


oh also i found that the 6'2 retro fish I shaped in feb i do not think put enough foam under the cheast.

this is close, real close to a 6’2 womba


you could resize the photo and use it as a reference.

"this is close, real close to a 6'2 womba"



looks like about 2" at the tail, 3 1/2" at the nose?

Hi Twisted, Ive got a Minami for Pottz, 1990, 6'2" and the rocker is 4.75 and 1.75. Apex at 35 in up.

 If you consider how much drive Pottz got and the length of his floaters, its pretty flat. Do you want that style of performance?

awww shucks Huck. Don’t make me get the ruler. Looks like lots of fun though huh? I have that scaled up in svg if anybody needs it. Just promise you will make one and surf it! 


the one above is a png, what does this gif look like? 6’4 the gif sucks



The Surftech version looks to be pretty flat for a Surftech.  


The traditional rocker for a Lis-style fish in the mid-5ft range is about 3.25" in the nose and 1" - 1.5" in the tail.    I’ve used 3.25/1.5 in the last 3 small wave boards I built for myself; a 5-5 quad fishie, a 6ft singlefin stubby and I just finished a 7ft egg/pig looking thing.  Obviously the 7ft board is more limited to small/mushy than the shorter boards but other than that they’re very surfable.  I wouldn’t go any flatter than that in your length and you might not notice a whole lot of difference if you bumped up both ends by 1/4" or so.  If I was doing your board for small waves I personally wouldn’t go past 4"/2" but I know that a lot of people would.  .     

[quote="$1"]   I've used 3.25 / 1.5 in the last 3 small wave boards I built for myself...    [/quote]

That sounds much better to me than the dimensions given in the original post.