Help With Gift For Father, Old G&S

From the way your dad mentioned the boards riding characteristics, I’d say he had a single finned, G&S Stinger. I do recall seeing them offering the popular mid 70s Ben Aipa design. If my memory serves me correctly, G&S offered Stingers with different outlines, some were sleeker, like the ones Larry Bertelmann was riding, and others with slightly fuller outlines for the mainland conditions. Stingers did make a small comeback in the late 80s when Ben Aipa revamped the design with some modern tweaks when he was with Town & Country Surfboards. He modified the outline and added the thruster fin set up. I had one and it rode quite well. I still see Ben riding longboard stingers with the thruster set up and the set up seems to work good.

Ok so I extracted some more information tonight and no wonder I was confused. The board WAS a single fin, but the one he had attempted to be made like it he decided to get a tri-fin. Not sure if the design will even work well with tri. Also the bumps/wingers were real close to tail where as but all the old board I saw from then had them far up. I did get right that it was a G&S though. 

  1. Was single, but wanted tri

  2. Pin Tail, pretty thin in the tail

  3. Bumps real far back


That is about as close as a description as I am going to get I guess, now I just need to find someone who might have made something like that… or more or less knows what it is. I wonder if the design even works with a tri fin… I’m sure it could with some small alterations. 

that would be a rounded pintail

but I think the whole outline is more of an egg or speed egg shape

a pin tail is narrow rounded means not pointy

the G&S Magic is probly the board you want

get it as a two plus one then it can be surfed as a single or with side bites

Hey Oceankyle,

In my previous posts I may have forgotten to mention what a totally cool thing you are doing for your dad…really…really cool…

Good for you!!!


Thanks Ken, I think you are right and the 2+1 is a great idea I hadn’t thought of!


Thanks everyone for help! Time to put in an order


If you are in SD area I am getting rid of an original G&S Magic from 1968-9. I even have the original fin for it too. Let me know. Just send me an email.


In 1972 I bought a second hand board from a friend.  It was a Gordon & Smith Magic and was around 7'6" or 7'8"....can't remember exactly...that was a long time ago.  What I do know is that I loved that first one.  I got up the first try and it was just great.  I have never seen another like it.  The emblem on the front was sort of psychedelic and multicolored.  On closer examination it was a guy's face with long flowing multi-colored hair.  In another spot in small cursive type lettering, it just said, "Magic". 

Since I bought it second hand, I don't know what year it was manufactured.  I do know that I later found a G&S t shirt with the exact emblem on the front.  Loved it too. 

In around 1974, the board was stolen and, the t shirt wore out. 

Although I'm now 63, I have two boards...a 9'2" longboard and a 7'6" funboard.  Neither ride like my old magic though.