im sorry if this has been posted somewhere else before, but i’ve searched the archives and i cant find my answer anywhere
im about to finish my final shaping on my first board, and soon i’ll be heading to glassing stages. im using 1# EPS and im not sure if a vent plug will be necessary for this board. im also not even sure what a vent plug is or how it works. im guessing its used to relieve pressure in pockets of the foam from high temperature? i dont know if i’ll need one, (im in Rhode Island, not too warm) i dont know how to make one either. what will i have to do? any pics of making a vent plug out there?
thanks for any help, again, sorry if this is a reapeat.
It really is ALL in the archives… 2#, not really necessary to use a vent (I put one in all of mine just for safty sake).
1#… DO IT!
MOst of my boards have been 2#, last year I made a 1# fish. A friend and I used both boards for 2 hours in Monterey… 52 deg. water/60 deg. air… at the car opened both vents, 2# let out a slight sigh but the 1# almost belched! There was a lot of air in there, you don’t want to contain it!
There is a post in the archives, Bert I think, on making your own. I made a few but never used them. Fiberglass Supply has a variety and their very cheep! Use one!