Herb, Read your post on Bruce’s page. It sounds like both our families had major roots in Bell. I remember it as a beautiful place when I was a little boy. I’d hate to go back and see what it may have become. Losing Big Daddy is a major loss to the world. Also sorry to hear about your auntie. aloha, tom
Herb,>>> Read your post on Bruce’s page. It sounds like both our families had major > roots in Bell. I remember it as a beautiful place when I was a little boy. > I’d hate to go back and see what it may have become. Losing Big Daddy is a > major loss to the world. Also sorry to hear about your auntie.>>> aloha, tom …whewww…what a long day it was, hope someone got some surf!As I (and the families)celebrated my daughter’s first birthday,we all reflected on those warm spring days at salt lake park,flying homemade kites,going to the open market(farmer fred’s).I never cared for living inland @ the time , but it was part of my history,and a part I will never forget(Jeff Neu was a 75 bell grad as well as a good surfin’ buddy).Herb Bell High Grad “1975”.p.s. Sorry FAST EDDY,Big Daddy will be miss here always.