Trying to email you, keep getting a bounce. You still having email problems? Could you please email me? I would certainly appreciate it. i have a question regarding your taco. thanks in advance.
Chris. I think you are trying to get hold of the very knowledgeable “Herb Spitzer”. Sorry, Herb Bean
yes. sorry bean.
…Chris, try …if not that,try …all I can say is some have been getting thru.I can’t get my tech over here until after the new years.I’m trying to correct or set-up things but I’m running into more and more complexed problems(like a rats nest in a Jig Master 500).At any rate try these mails.if not get back to me here. …I’m still testing things here and got the insta-pop-up distruption at frequent intervals,not to mention other “START OVER AGAIN HERB” PROBLEMS !!!Bare with me,as I will get all the glitches out.Or shoot this thing and put it out of it’s misery.Herb
Not Sure - I’m in PA (very close to NJ) and we’re pretty scatted througout the area. I’ll have to ask some family member about that name. Herb Bean