
Herb, This was an after thought (must have had a senior moment) Regarding a post I put up about 18 posts down, Hey Herb : Most of the guy’s who I surf with,that will watch in larger waves have told me, my style changes in larger surf and tend to change from the classic 60’s longboarding and want to work the board like a short board, my concern has been @ my age, giving up the paddle and float, I don’t know. What caught my attention was your description, of your board paddleing and catching waves like a long board. Again Thank you, for any thoughts you may have. Fred

Herb, This was an after thought (must have had a senior moment) Regarding > a post I put up about 18 posts down, Hey Herb : Most of the guy’s who I > surf with,that will watch in larger waves have told me, my style changes > in larger surf and tend to change from the classic 60’s longboarding and > want to work the board like a short board, my concern has been @ my age, > giving up the paddle and float, I don’t know. What caught my attention was > your description, of your board paddleing and catching waves like a long > board.>>> Again Thank you, for any thoughts you may have.>>> Fred …The new Harbour Revolvers are a good choice for jumping down in size(Roger Hinds is now on board with the Harbour Team,taking my place in the shaping bay,as I took Steve Eliott’s place)you can go to there web site and talk directly with Rich(but don’t talk about anybody elses boards…it is STRICTLY forbidden on his BBS).The wingpin is a nice choice too!As far as the board I was describing below,it is a board for micro waves,no bigger than chest high,and weak in energy(slow n mushy).So it wouldn’t be a good choice for bigger waves.Check my 8’-1" gun in the boards folder it’s a great all-around stick exellent in bigger surf as well as versatile enough to ride in smaller stuff…Hope you find what you are looking for!Herb.p.s. more boards on the way to add to the board folder just got to find so time !!!

Thank You, for the info, appreciated.