Here's an interesting... *PIC*


what’s interesting about it?

“what’s interesting about it?” It’s a surfboard.

any idea or clue regarding the theory behind it’s design? thanks.

“any idea or clue regarding the theory behind it’s design? thanks” I think you could use it as a wrench …lol

actually… now that i look closely i think thats the first board i made!

Fat Penguin meets Simmons Spoon

“Louie got a new router template…but no directions for how to use it”

That looks like a board I tried describing on a previous post. Its shaped by a Kaiser/Ala Moana local, Rex. He calls it the Manta. I’ve asked a few of the guys I’ve seen riding them out on the south shore and all have said they like em, they looked like they were riding them pretty good tool. I even saw Tom Stone Pohaku (the guy that shaped that ancient hawaiian replica) riding one at my local break. He said he liked his. I just can’t get over the looks of it though.

the gurl on it was at least as interesting as the board, but I digress. Next time she came out she had a regular minitank. This thing either combines or contradicts much of what we think of acceptable design practice with regards to flow, release, and so on, and it may suggest the narrowness of many minds (including mine) as to what is “proper” or “appropriate” or “works”… Freaking bizzarro anyway and a humbug to shape/glass. If something like this can “work”, why isn’t it also wildly assymetrical as well, or are some variations just too much even for the imaginative?

It looks like a Pope swizzle combined with a guillotine(spelling?).