hey , check THESE out !!

this guy does some good stuff …his watershots are even better !

[thanks for sending me this, duds … I hope ya don’t mind me sharing it here …]

" Re: Couple more pics to stoke your day From: DudleyPerkins

Date Sent:

Mar 30, 2006, 9:08 PM


the pics at the bottom of the page are the squarest barrels i’ve ever seen on this coastline "

not wrong !!

and how’s the WATER COLOUR ??

…that’s nuts !

cheers !

ben / homer

Don’t mind a bit Homie…

I wonder if the photog checks out this site, or if he minds us sharing his work?

That’s pretty much standard water color(no U over here mate!) for the east coast, except Florida, SC, and occasionally elsewhere. When a big NE is running it churns up so much sand it looks black sometimes, scary sick tubes!

Hatteras Island on a clean, green afternoon…

unlike some areas the east coast choclate milk is due to sand not poopoo. yea i havn’t been to that site in a while.