Great to see you in the jetty today.
It’s good to see that while the rest of the crew is riding 9’+ you are rippin’ on a 6’2" Supercharged Fish – and catching more waves than most!!!
Thanks for the leash offer, they look great!
I’ll be hitting Bolsa tomorrow due to the currents.
Call me when you want to hit the Kidney at Anaheim West, I’ll be in Atlanta all week but next week I’m good.
Hope to see you in the water soon.
Here’s the guy that coined the term,“Swayloholic” and he’s be gone for too long.
…Nice to see you too.I saw you get some long ones on your gronk as well.
…Nice boardwork too…you’ve come a long way from the last one/time I saw you…You may not even know how much…like day and night.
…Yeah,people just can’t figure me out…except for guys like Mark Perry.
…Sunday,Bolsa uggg again,I guess???Herb
Kind words from a master shaper - thank you.
Everytime I start cuttin’ I just keep thinking: What would Herb, Jim P. RI Surfer, Cleanlines, Noodle, Tuna, Mike Paler, Mellor, Jensen,
and lets not forget Ramon,
do at this particular step… of course I end up screwing it all up anyway!
I ended up at HB (20th) today.
Paddled out at 5:07 a.m. and stayed out till 10:00 a.m.
The swell was on!
The drift made honest men of everyone so the boyz basically caught everything we wanted.
It was a good day and the silicone was coming out of the woodwork (Niiiiiiiiice!).
Once a Swayholic, always a Swayholic. Kinda like the blood in blood out thing in East Los – you know what I mean…
I’ll be taking Lil’ Magoo Jr to the Rivers End to work on his cross step, so we will be seeing a lot of you this summer.
Thanks again for all of the help – and that goes for everyone sharing on Mr. P’s BB. You guys got the aloha spirit.
Has Bonta made an appearance lately???