Hey... if Paul's doin' it...

This is meant to be funny… not slamming anyone… I’ve just found it funny over the years as I peruse different sites, and especially follow Paul Jensen’s Hollow Board Quest, how everything HE does… eventually the other guy is doing it too…

Now don’t get me wrong, I love the guys over at Grain… nice group of fellas… talented artisans…

I just found it funny that you can now take courses (like Paul started and has been doing) over at Grain…

Pretty crafty fellas. It’s funny how the “Hey, if he’s doin’ it… why don’t we?” business model is so typical these days. In the same breath though, it’s cool to see that there are different versions of these things going on and channels opening up for the lay person to learn the craft.

At first I looked at it as just copy-catting or ripping off someone’s idea, but I’m starting to realize that these types of things are opening up all kinds of doors and windows into the possibilities of where surfboard design and construction is going… and can go.

I’d like to take one of Paul’s and one of Grain’s, just to see how these craftsmen are tricking out their trade and blowing minds with their skills (or… heh heh … Skils… forgive the pun…).

It’d be rad if Danny Hess taught classes on how to do it his way.

If you haven’t already done so, check out the Wooden Surfboards Blog to see some pretty amazing craftsmanship.