Hey! I'm no longer a "newbie"

Hey! I’m no longer a “newbie”. I’m stoked to be a user now. It feels good. I’ll finally get a little respect. Did you hear the one about the guy who smelled so bad that when he put Odor Eaters in his wetsuit booties he disappeared? Wow!

with jokes that bad you might get demoted back to newbie…

PLEASE!!! Don’t demote me. I’m just learning.

I read somewhere a statement from a wise man. He said, “Good judgment comes from experience. Unfortunately, the experience usually comes from bad judgment.”

I’ll use better judgment next time. I’ll tell a better joke.

that was a joke too – nobody gets demoted around here…

I knew that.

Its easy to become a user with posts like this one.

(See, now I’m one closer too!)


Nice picture. Is that you? I think you should be promoted.

No, but today I wish it was.

Bad day in the office. Was here till 7:30 last night and here at 6:30 am, an hour commute each way, no surf for me until sunrise tomorrow, I dont care if its flat im going to just sit on my board

Its always great to get wet and paddle around. Pray for surf. And for that matter, pray for peace.

wear a long sleeved shirt in case you get stopped for being a known user…ambrose…I saw it in the charlie parker movie

Hey! I quit years ago.