Dude, you have a very cool web site, and you guys got some nice lookin surf up there too!
Dude, you have a very cool web site, and you guys got some nice lookin > surf up there too! Thanks but all the credit goes to my better half she does all the website work. I just shape and glass… Surf when its good and it’s been so so the past few weeks… Winter is here and so is the weather… We get hit head on so lots of the time we wait for it to drop and clean up. Time to work Later… http://surfnwsc.com
Thanks but all the credit goes to my better half she does all the website > work. I just shape and glass… Surf when its good and it’s been so so the > past few weeks… Winter is here and so is the weather… We get hit head on > so lots of the time we wait for it to drop and clean up.>>> Time to work Later… Hows the Flex project going? maybe to soon to ask RfFs